Why do we do it?

We need wax to keep our ears clean !

Wax helps to keep them moisturised, it protects our ears from infections or harmful bacteria and it helps to stop debris from reaching further inside our ear.

A medical professional such as an ENT consultant, a GP or Audiologist may request the wax be removed for a procedure or examination. There are also several conditions that can be caused or aggravated by wax. These may include:

  • Hearing loss

  • Wax can block up hearing aids, stopping them from working effectively and causing annoying feedback or whistling

  • Earache

  • Ear infections

  • Itchiness or irritation

  • A feeling of fullness in the ear

  • Vertigo, a sense of feeling unbalanced which can lead to dizziness

Having your ears dewaxed may be the best solution for you. Please contact us to arrange a consultation with an expert.